
质量方针 Quality policy
持续改进,顾客满意 。

Adhere to standards, reliable quality;
Continuous improvement, customer satisfaction.

环境方针 Environmental policy

Comply with laws and regulations and implement green production;
Pursue sustainable development and protect the earth’s resources.

品质管控 Quality control

持续改善过程 Continous improvement process
品质管控 从产品承认阶段开始至产品出货;从过程到检验,制定详细的国际标准化质量管控计划(FMEA/PCP/SOP/SIP) 。
From the beginning of the product approval stage to the delivery, from the manufacturing process to the final parts inspection, formulate a detailed quality control plan of international standard.

品质管控 依据制定的管控计划,由各站工程师指导员工培训并落实到产线。According to the approved control plan, engineers of each station shall train employees and implement it to the production line.

品质管控 产线由员工自检(后站管前站);值班长每日生产点检表;制程工程每日参数点检表;设备工程每日设备点检表;质量工程每日质量点检表;主管巡查等一系列的检查方式确保异常的防流出。
The production line inspection (each station shall be inspected by the next station) , the daily production check, the daily manufacturing process check , the manufacturing and testing equipment check and the daily quality check and inspection shall all be implemented to ensure no NG parts outflow.

品质管控 针对发现的异常,依据纠正的预防单,从产品的围堵,发生/流出原因,发生/流出对策,防止再发等处理方式进行持续改善。
In response to the detected defective parts, continuous improvements shall be made based on the corrective prevention slip, the cause of the occurrence/outflow, the occurrence/outflow countermeasures, and the prevention of recurrence.

个性化客户服务 Customized service
