

What is Nominal Frequency of a Crystal Oscillator? 什么是晶体振荡器的标称频率?

The nominal frequency of the crystal oscillator is the output frequency of the oscillator i.e the frequency at which the oscillator is designed to resonate. So if an oscillator has a specified output frequency of 8 MHz, this is its nominal frequency. However, in the real world, an oscillator always has some frequency variation. The amount of variation is defined by the frequency stability that is usually specified in the datasheet of the product.

晶体振荡器的标称频率指的是振荡器的输出频率,即振荡器设计用于谐振的频率。因此,如果振荡器的指定输出频率为8 MHz,则这是其标称频率。然而,在现实世界中,振荡器总是存在一些频率变化。在晶体振荡器产品手册中,该频率变化量通常由“频率稳定性”这个参数来定义。
